Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Meteor Crater

Monday, July 29, 2013
Today we turned the RV around and headed back towards Illinois.  We decided to take a different route home for two reasons:  We can add three new states to our map and we also need to pick up our car in St. Louis.  We got up bright and early and left Las Vegas.  Our early start didn't pay off though, as the first gas stop we made, the owner discovered that we need two new tires in the back of the RV.  A "quick" replacement of the tires and we were on the road again.  As we headed on down the road we noticed that we were driving right by the place with the only confirmed and best preserved meteor contact in North America.  Being so close and not sure that we will ever be this way again, we stopped for a tour.
The crater is 550 feet deep, equivalent to a 60 story building.  It has a circumference of 2.4 miles wide and is over 4,000 feet across.  It was definitely an extraordinary sight to see!!  For more information on the meteor crater click below.

This was all that was left of the meteor that hit the Earth!  This little guy weighs 1,400 pounds!

The crater

We really enjoyed our unplanned stop!  We ended our evening in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Even though it felt like we had been driving forever, we really only got in about 10.5 hours and have about 20 more to go!!

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